BurbMan wrote:
We have used them now and again. We make the distinction between "camping" and "RVing"...We "camp" at state/county parks with minimal or no hookups and take the time to relax, swim, hike, fish, and generally relax. Our "RV" trips usually involve long driving days to distant destinations, and nobody wants to hike/fish after a long day of driving. Kids want to run around, swim in the pool, play in the game room and do stuff like mini-golf while DW and I relax with a cocktail or 2.
It's so nice to see someone put an opinion out there without putting down other's choices just because they like different things :)
We are like you, sometimes we camp and sometimes we RV. We also only have one child left at home so we look for places that might have more kid offerings and sometimes we are looking for a more adult site.
We haven't stayed at any KOAs yet but I know there is one that my mom likes that we'll probably try soon.