What do you mean by "to do" a park? Escorted tours typically "do" Arches and Canyonlands on the same day, then move on toward southern Utah. Because of distances and congestion, Bryce and Zion usually get a day each with an overnight in between. Clientele for these tours does not usually spend much time off the bus, in the heat of summer (May-October).
People who go to Canyonlands to drive the trails often spend two or three days in the park, depending on how much they choose to drive. Similarly, there can be two or more days hiking in Arches, if hiking is what you do, depending on how many trails you want to hike.
Capital Reefs, few tour catch that one, but you can get across the middle in one day with an hour's stop at the visitor center, or you can spend almost a week back-country hiking the longest trail.