Dog Folks wrote:
When you go into a restaurant and get a bad hamburger, the time to complain is BEFORE you eat it, not after.
The time to complain about a campsite, and ask for a refund, is BEFORE you sleep there.
Have to agree, the time to look for refunds is when the problem occurs, not after you have consumed all the services. As for a few other issues, I don't know what Woodalls Certified in 2009 has to do with anything. It's now 2015, things change, and apparently in this case for the worse. Any park with only 30 amp service is going to have power problems in the heat of the day. Today, many rigs require 50 amp service. If they step down to 30 amp they draw nearly the full 30 amps all the time. This is not how the electrical system was designed to be used when it was installed. Electrical codes allow more potential power draw to be on a circuit than the rating of the main breakers. Take your house for example. It is probably a 200 amp service, but if you add up all the ratings of the breakers you will be around 800 or more amps. The idea is you can never run everything at once. I don't know what the code is for load factors on 30 amp services, but I do know they are approximately 60% on 50 amp service, meaning you can run seven 50 amp services on a 200 amp main. If all those 50 amp services drew full power, the mains would trip. I suspect that is what is happening with the park in question. Too many 50 amp rigs in 30 amp sites drawing 100% on each service.
Don't know how you could get 10.6 volts on your meter. Are you sure it wasn't 106 volts, which would indicate exactly what I was saying, the lines are just plain overloaded.
To our American readers, please note that the price of $58.00 was almost assuredly in Canadian dollars, which would equate to around $45.00 which isn't too bad for Calgary during the Stampede.
Unfortunately, this park sounds all too familiar, a facility that isn't putting money back into the park. See it all too often. The owners either just want to milk the place for all it is worth or are afraid to make the investment in upgrades because they don't think people will pay a higher price for better facilities. (you can blame some of the posts on these forums and some review sites for this. There is a constant drumbeat from some that the only thing that matters is price, facilities, utilities and everything else be darned).