Forum Discussion

FirstTracks's avatar
May 30, 2019

Video: Canyons of the Ancients National Monument

Our big 100th episode of Grand Adventure was supposed to be about both Canyons of the Ancients AND Hovenweep National Monuments, but our RV had other ideas. While camping at Mancos State Park, and en route to another camp at Bears Ears National Monument in Utah, we visit the Canyons of the Ancients Visitor Center and Museum, tour the Lowry Pueblo ruins that date to the 10th Century, and hike to more ruins in the National Monument's Sand Canyon before our RV left us on the side of the road:
  • I really like the archaeology of Native Americans especially Publeoan peoples. Utah has some good places, but Chaco Cyn, Mesa Verde, Canyon de Chelley, Navajo Mtn and Bandalier NM are hard to beat.