I have been keeping an eye on this thread and I still have yet to read a single comment that even comes close to a reasonable explanation as to why people should not spend the night in a walmart lot (or any other similar lot, Cabelas, etc) The lots are typically huge and I don't think I have ever seen a walmart lot reach much over 50% capacity with cars other than Christmas time. It's a perfect place to spend the night while traveling, and if you have to spend multiple nights, who cares. This really seems to bother some people and as hard as I try I can't even begin to understand why. Every RV I have seen at Walmart is in the very back of the lot minding their own business. Most probably walk in and buy something while they are there as well. If you don't want to stay at a Walrt, great, move along, but don't get your panties in a bunch about it. Definitely have a lot of "grouches" on this forum who like to whine!