In Oregon, many of the state cgs were built MANY years ago. The one that floored me was the site that had parking for 2 vehicles, and the vehicles had to park at about a 45 degree slant!!!!!!!!! nope, didn't park there!
Trees are an issue for us and we don't have a tall MH! Camping right now where the limbs are just barely scraping.....we had no choice. Talked to the manager and she said she's tried to get the owner to trim the trees......he's losing business with the large MHs. yeah.....dumb owner!
Regarding the dump stations..............usually the counties have rules are where and how they're installed. I know ours at home was installed at such a level (the requirement) that we couldn't tie into it for the MH. Because they said s##t couldn't travel uphill........:( But we had no choice in the matter.....