Forum Discussion

Geobiker's avatar
Mar 26, 2015

Who Leaves the on-demand Pump On

Okay, please help solve an on-going debate within my camping family. For those experienced at dry camping (we are not) is it better to leave the on-demand water pump switch on during the entire campout or turn it on and off when it is being used? Thanks.
  • We leave ours on all the time since it also fills the ice maker....Dennis
  • Depends on a lot on outside temp. If I am in freezing temps and running hot water heater to keep it from freezing since it is exposed I run my pump all the time so not to run hot water heater dry. Summer I shut it off.
  • Turn mine on when we set up and turn it off when we hit the road. The pump is loud enough to hear, even at night when it kicks on. If it kicks on and no one is using water then look for the cause.
  • We leave it on when there except we turn it off when we go to bed. When leaving for a day trip I always try to remember to turn it off.
  • dewey02 wrote:
    OK to leave it on when you are AT the campsite, since it only is on (pumping) when the system calls for pressure (ie. when you turn on a faucet).

    However, we turn it off whenever we leave the travel trailer or immediate area and at night (only turn it on to flush on nighttime toilet trips). With it off, any leak will only spill a small amount until the pressure is gone. With it on, a leak will empty your entire FW tank into the travel trailer. Same for when hooked up to campground water - turn it off at the spigot when not at your trailer or else a leak could be disastrous.

  • OK to leave it on when you are AT the campsite, since it only is on (pumping) when the system calls for pressure (ie. when you turn on a faucet).

    However, we turn it off whenever we leave the travel trailer or immediate area and at night (only turn it on to flush on nighttime toilet trips). With it off, any leak will only spill a small amount until the pressure is gone. With it on, a leak will empty your entire FW tank into the travel trailer. Same for when hooked up to campground water - turn it off at the spigot when not at your trailer or else a leak could be disastrous.
  • I don't do much dry camping but would turn off pump and anything else not being used or essential to conserve battery.
    I'm usually plugged in so leave pump on all of the time. Randu
  • I turn it on and off. If a leak happened then.... well you know...