Sounds good to me Ross. When I was in high school I had a Hispanic friend. I can remember the first time I saw her family making tamales. They were like a production line, but my gosh, they were good. Does she use corn tortillas or the flour ones? I buy something here called chimchinga that sound very much like your pupusa. Love them. Anabel sounds like a very nice lady. She sure must be busy with everything she does.
We are going down the Charleston the end of the month. Our Kahlan is going to a taekwando tournament there. This will be her first tournament. Right after the tournament she will be taking the test for her brown belt. If school wasn't in session we would stay over a few more days. Charleston is a beautiful old city. We have been there before. I tell you tho, when we drove by the old slave market, I had goosebumps. I hated being near that place. The thought of the merchandise they sold makes me sick. inhumane.
Have you been reading the mail on huckleberry and Daniel? There are some nice people reading this thread. You guys may decide you would like to be friends.
I have to clean my grand daughters rug today. I hate that job. Its a killer. Maybe I am just getting old. anyway, I am off to do that job and then.....the rest of the day, I am going to goof off. Take care guys.