We were there last July, spent a week in Lander. You should be aware that there is virtually no access to the Wind River range. It is mostly locked up in wilderness areas. Sink River Canyon is one spot to visit, Thermopolis to the north is another for the hot springs. We also went to Atlantic City but were very underwhelmed by that area. It's mainly a small village of expedient housing that we thought was on the less than attractive side. Shacks in other words and not picturesque ones either.
We spent a whole day trying to find a road into the Wind Rivers themselves. There is a pass to the north that we did not get to but the south is locked up in the Indian Reservation and if there is a way in we never found it. On our first camping trip west back in the 1980's we did find a road into the mountains but it may have been blocked off sometime after that. There was a campsite up in the mountains that we made it to that was excellent but we got snowed out back then. Whatever we never found it this trip.
My wife had some health problems and we had to cut our trip a bit short and return home.