thegriffins wrote:
Yellowstone is one of our favorite destinations! We plan 2 days for each "circle". That is a minimum of 4 days. There is so much to see. You never know what you will stop a look at and for how long. Be sure you drive up to the north entrance and see the rock entrance. There is a small town - Gardiner (I think) - where you can stop and have a huckleberry shake. Have a good time. You will love it. Just don't get in a hurry!
We are really looking forward to going. I had planned on 4 days at the park. We want to see as much as we can in what time we have. We plan on making the best of every minute we have. Thanks for all of the valuable insight on what to plan for and what to expect. It definetly helps making preparations when you have info to help out.