Forum Discussion

agesilaus's avatar
Explorer III
Nov 24, 2019

YNP to add cell phone access at Canyon Village

Yellowstone National Park Superintendent Cam Sholly has promised better wireless internet access in the park without towers blocking the view to the park’s famous landscape. The park is seeking public comment on a proposal from a private company, AccessParks, to install up to 484 small (10 by 10 inch, or 7-inch diameter) antennas on employee housing and visitor lodging facilities at Canyon Village, Grant Village, Lake Village, Mammoth Hot Springs and Old Faithful. Several dozen other antennas of various sizes would also be required to link to internet providers outside the park without building additional towers. The deadline to comment on the proposal is Friday, Nov. 29. For more information and to comment click here. From

Campground Chatter
  • If they only put small device's on the building's that are already there I don't see a problem. I do agree do not put up tower's.
  • This seems like the least intrusive way to add cell service... but I have to wonder why this is necessary. If you prefer your cell phone, go somewhere else. If you prefer nature and the amazing beauty of YNP, continue to have relatively unfettered access.