kedanie wrote:
In the long run, Yosemite will survive just as Yellowstone has. Fire is the natural course of the forest. It may not look the same for a few years but it will return in time.
The biggest problem is man. For far too long we have extinguished all fires. Over time the fuel in the forest builds up and we have to suffer the consequences. In 1988, Yellowstone burned until mother nature put it out herself.
I agree. Live adjacent to Rocky Mountain National Park for 31 years. You also have to throw in insect kill due to overly mature forests and stress on trees due to drought. Mismanagement of forest resources by decades of fire suppression are probably equally to blame.
We went to Yellowstone the year after the big fire to give us a bench mark on how quickly the forest would regenerate. Went back about five years later and then again about five years ago. The burn areas are beautiful and healthy.
We hike lots in Colorado's forests and the excess fuel buildup is very frightening this includes Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management and National Park lands.
Much of our western forests are just one lightening strike or human error away from destruction.