Try Craigslist Yuma, click on RV then click on housing, then click on vac rentals. It is a lot cheaper and a lot more private to rent from a person who owns there own lot and rents spots out. They go from $200 a month up. The lots are approx. 65 ft x 112 ft. You normally rent one side. Very private as a lot of the lots have 6ft brick walls on 3 sides and 3 ft in the front. If you need more info send me a private message as I have 13 lots But mine are all rented for the season but I have been doing this for 16 years and can give you info on Parks, private lots etc. Again mine are all rented and I am not trying to drum up business as most of my renters have been with me for 10 years or so and come back yr after yr