Forum Discussion

way2roll's avatar
Navigator II
Jan 19, 2025

What is so hard about keeping your users informed?

This is the second "ready, shoot, aim" re-design of this forum, and in both cases there was no heads up at all to the users. Don't you think the folks that actually post here and keep this thing on life support matter? The last time they at least pretended to want our input. Tail wagging the dog already lost 99% of users. Who is running this ship? Having a forum for the sake of just having a forum doesn't have value. But at a minimum, you have to at least let folks know wth s going on.

  • Why can't they just set it up to look like the old Old look with new technology. 

    • StirCrazy's avatar

      because it isn't rv net.  each forum software has its own look, yes they could have picked one that was similar to rv net's look with new functionality, but I think there is more going on than just a forum (like camping world online shopping and such) and hence the reason for this software.  from what I understand is this software is very powerful and can do a lot, and with Cale running the show we should be seeing lots of changes for the good.  

  • Still think that posts more than 2 years old need to be closed for comments. More than half the activity on this forum are visitors replying to buried comments from a decade ago. And now they can post anonymously.

    • opnspaces's avatar
      Navigator II

      Absolutely agreed and seconded that many posts should be locked after a certain time frame. But I think it should be after no new posts for X number of days and not just  2 years from inception. As we all know some of the posts have been running for years and still actively contributed to. 

      • StirCrazy's avatar

        I think one of my suggestions was after no new activity for 1 year it should be read only days is kind of jumping the gun and I have seen a lot of good content added to a post 6 months after.  to me its when posts are 10 years old and asking for help and some one replies than makes me wonder....  but on the same hand, I don't mind when a equipment post is 6 years old and some one posts an update on how it worked long term or changes to the tech..  its a fin line, for not if we can stop the trending posts from being form 2009 I think that's a win haha

  • I have to disagree a bit on the OP's original post. When the first round hit some of us started making suggestion and some of them were definitely implemented.  True they may have been small, but they were implemented. Three things that come to mind immediately are

    The site used to log you out frequently. Then they extent the logout by hours. True it wasn't as nice as always logged in on the old RV.Net but it was an improvement.

    While I also don't understand the need for groups we now have them and in the beginning they were a convoluted mess.  After suggestions they were reordered into better grouping.

    The addition of the previous and next buttons at the top of the Unread Posts page was a suggestion so you didn't have to scroll to the bottom off every page like what you get with Amazon. 

    Heck, come to think of it the unread posts page even existing at all was a suggestion. 

  • Thank you for the continued feedback - more information is coming out soon around the changes and how to navigate. The transition had some bumps that caused communication to be a little bit delayed and walkthroughs to change. The team is working through those way2roll

    The changes are built on the feedback provided since the original migration and required major structural changes to re-release traditional forums and separate out groups. We will have continued enhancements to improve the experience and will ensure communication on releases occur more timely and in advance.

    We hope these changes are smaller in size go-forward and, most importantly, show the continued investment that Good Sam has to make the online community even stronger than before.

    • StirCrazy's avatar

      one thing I don't understand, what is the big obsession on separating 6 categories into forums and having the rest as groups.   technically they are all forums and cant we just having them under one forum heading and eliminate the group header.  

      I'm not sure what feed back prompted this change but all the feed back I have seen was to make it easier to find new posts, this is a regression in that area unless it was necessary to implement more changes..

      I think that's where the point of informing people comes to play.  maybe in the future we could post a notice that there will be upgrades coming on such and such of a date then after a post of what has changed.  

  • Seems like a pretty good improvement and easy to use to me. The philosophy I learned in life was not to expect others to seek my approval to make changes. If I didn’t like the changes, I could leave or stay, Que sera, sera.

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