DFord wrote:
ktmrfs, I agree with you on the value of "backstab" electrical outlets. Letting the RV industry get by with "rube goldberg" wiring is a shame. Any outlet installed without a box is a hazard but every RV out there has outlets with those backstab outlets. Even wires secured under screws can become a problem when stressed (not to mention the problems of aluminum wires). The area making contact in the backstab outlets is nothing compared to wires secured by screws - they're asking for problems using them. Good job replacing yours with the real thing in boxes!
And the RV outlets are also very common in mobile homes. In fact it wouldn't suprise me if the RV industry adopted them from the mobile home industry! One of the big issues with backstabs is with inductive loads. The high inrush current and the voltage spike on disconnect can end up turning the "V" small contact point into a high resistance point that then starts to arc after repeated connect/disconnect cycles. Then it can become a fire hazard.