I don't view the battery monitor as part of the "solar charging system" - in the strictest sense. It is part of the battery/storage system. But that is really picking at nats! :-)
After you use the system for awhile, the reason for a battery monitor will become self evident. Not having one is not the end of the world but you will find battery voltage is very inaccurate and a poor indicator of state of charge, I found it to be useless. This is partially due to the fact that voltage is only semi-accurate after the battery has rested for many hours (at least three, preferably 24) and that never happens during typical RV use. You are always putting power in (solar) or taking it out. That is why measuring all "power" flow in to and out of the batteries, thru a shunt, is necessary to know their actual state of charge.
You are right! If you do everything that everyone says all at once, you would never do anything - between the complexity and expense. :-) You've made a fantastic addition/upgrade to your RV! Enjoy it!!! Solar is a WONDERFUL thing!