wannabegone wrote:
I did quite a bit of research before I decided how I wanted to set my system up. I read handybobsolar, good information but I realized early on that if I followed everyones good advice, I'd be several thousand dollars into a system that was much more than I needed. I am fully aware of how important it is to monitor the battery voltage, I feel knowing the voltage is sufficient for me, how I get that information is irrelevant to me. As far as the rest of the information, the wife and I are inconsistent at best when it comes to how we use the TC. We have a built-in generator so if the voltage get to a critical level we turn the generator on. No matter how much research I do on how much voltage we actually use there will never be a guarantee of how much voltage we will need on any given trip. For me the 2 extra batteries I plan to add as soon as I recover from the solar cost will do more for us than a monitor on top of the remote meter and if that isn't enough I have the ability to add at least one more 120 watt solar panel
Your response indicates that you do not really understand RV 12 volt electrical systems and the role of a battery monitor. Battery voltage is not the reason a monitor is essential, battery capacity is. You claim you read Handy Bob but are willing to entertain adding more batteries and a solar panel yet have not employed the one thing that will actually let you know what is happening to your batteries and help you keep them healthy.