Bill.Satellite wrote:
Who uses this stuff anyway? I am guessing that 99% of RVers do not have a TPMS installed. The other 1% are very happy that they do. Which slice of the RVing community is right? The 1% or the 99%?
When I was selling the TST Tire pressure system, seemed like most all my sales were to someone who had had a blow out, flat tire they didn't know was flat while driving some distance or knew someone with a tire horror story. Having a devise that is keeping an eye on the tire while it is rolling along at 50-60 or 70mph give many folks piece of mind. Being able to catch a possible failing tire before it causes hundreds/thousands of dollars worth of damage has to be helpful. Besides having a tire issue that sticks you on the side of some expressway or road is not a safe place to be stuck. If your aware of a tire issue before it fails sometimes you can plan your exit place and find a safe spot. Some folks feel they are a total waste of money, thats fine, others feel they give some insurance, and will spend the money for piece of mind. Everyone sets their own limits on what they want to deal with.