Forum Discussion

popeyemth's avatar
Dec 05, 2017

Champion 2000 extended run

Anyone make a successful extended run fuel system for the Champion 2000 generators?
  • I made one with a generic vacuum pump from the lawnmower shop and I used the breather hose in the valve cover (with a Tee) to get the pulse. Works just fine when I need it which is rarely. The 2000 watt Champ is really stingy on fuel ueeage anyway. I originally had it on my Yamaha 2800I but when I sold that, I took and put it on the Champ. Same deal on the Yamaha, pulse from the valve cover breather hose.

    That Yammy was a bit harder on fuel.

    Hope that helps...
  • Supergen has a kit, i have it on my 3400 inverter
    But when i look for it on the website, i can't find it
    Give a call to the Calif pH number and talk to Paul Cole Sr.

    Try this number 843-637-2867
  • Ebay sells an extended run kit for you genny.
  • Haven’t seen any kits for Champion with the pump only gravity fed ones.
    The vacuum pumps alone are dirt cheap
    Hopefully someone who has hooked up a vacuum pump to a Champion 2000 will chime in and share with us
  • Are you looking for a kit, or just general knowledge?

    Aside from the gens with a Honda motor, which have a fuel pump already, the rest are gravity feed.

    All the kits I have explored seem rather generic. The key item they're all built around is a vacuum powered fuel pump. This pump can be found inexpensively on Amazon. The next step is finding a vacuum line to tap into. That knowledge is what makes the kit expensive.

    Without a fuel pump, I've had limited success with gravity feed siphon for my Yamahas. Either the siphon breaks and no fuel is delivered or there's the tiniest of air leaks and too much fuel is delivered.