Ron3rd wrote:
mrw8i wrote:
Bought an 8 year old TH. Awning is actually in really good shape, hardly used, except for the top where the sun hits it when it is closed up. It starting to dry out, crack, a few small tears; only a short time before full on rips. Too late for the type of protectant this thread is talking about. I had some eternabond tape from a different project. I thoroughly cleaned and scrubbed the awning and applied the tape along the whole length of the awning where it is starting to tear. Hopefully get a few more years out of the awning.
The top when it is rolled up is where they always rot out, that's why I put the cover on mine. On my old trailer, I did not do this and it got really bad (didn't know), so I used the clear awning tape (sail tape) and got a couple more years out of it. The EB tape should work too.
As well as the 8 year old TH we just bought, we have 3 year old 17' TT, awning is still in good shape. Gutter might be a good idea, would need a way to tie it down in case the wind tries to take off with it. Could probably use a bungie on either end around the roller.