Almot wrote:
Brave people, cutting holes in exterior walls. I would rather make that bed lifting on a long piano hinge, to get access to underbed storage. Oh, wait - my bed already came lifting from the factory :)...
No, I don't believe that 5200 sealant remains sticky and attracts dirt. Don't know any sealant that would. Though it probably will remain soft-ish. I used 4200 on other project, it cures to flexible gum-like substance, not sticky. What I didn't like is that it was very low-density, easily flowing out of the cracks when given a chance, until it cures - which takes a long time. Since it comes only in black and white, spills can be a nuisance on other color surfaces. West Marine has it cheaper than Amazon, and less fancy marine stores might have it cheaper yet.
When fixing the siding seam outside, I used Lexel - it behaves more like an adhesive than sealant, clear, doesn't flow out of cracks, very tacky until it cures, though it cures fast.
Cut through mine within a week of bringing it home. It was a no-brainer to do so but did require some planning prior to execution of the plan.