What's better about the Dexter and Carlyle actuators? Titan will put together a complete kit which would be convenient but I might piece my own system together if I can end up with better quality. I figured I'd get a price from Dexter so I called them yesterday and the best person to talk to was already gone for the weekend and I needed to get more numbers from my hubs, brgs and axles, anyway. The best person to talk to was also gone at Kodiak but I think they have a bigger rotor than Dexter for my application and it looks like the Kodiak calipers are also favored over Dexter. The pictures I've seen of the Dexter caliper looks like it's 4 piston and the caliper is fixed rather than having sliding pins. I've never had a caliper like that so I don't know what to think of them. When I talk to the right people I'll find out if my Jordan works with the E/H actuators. Craig