want-a-be wrote:
What am I missing. Why would you need a Macerator Pump? Are want one?
Because the Wife doesn't like to poop in the woods when the black tank fills up...
We pump into a 325 gallon tank on a trailer and haul that to the dump station every 3-4 months. Without that we would have to haul the 5er down a difficult mountain road every 10 days just to dump the black tank.
If I don't feel like hauling the trailer the hour drive to dump I can call the Honey Bucket folks and they will come pump it (325gal tank) out for $95. The same fee they charge for emptying the 32 gallon tank in the 5er.
To the OP: I have considered building a macerator as you did.
I have never had the motor fail on my FloJet macerator but I have had to rebuild the pump end of it 3 times due to inappropriate items attempting to pass through the pump. NO FUN having the pump fail mid pump and have to disassemble, clean "non masculine" objects out and replace the impeller. It's a s#!*y job....
I did also have one issue where the pump started making a horrible noise. I stopped the pump, flushed as best I could, and looked inside. I found a 9mm shell casing stuck in the pump. I am still puzzled by that one as I don't own a 9mm.
I think the garbage disposal based macerator would handle this sort of issue and survive without having to rebuild the pump. Also, being where I have 120v AC power at all times, it would make sense to have a 120v macerator.
Please let us know how your unit is working for you.