Tango, AE7UI wrote:
Installed 3 computer fans in the refer stack above the coils to pull the heat up and away...
We have had several days in the 90's and food is nice and cold.
Have not used a thermometer to check actual temps.
I plan to take before and after temp readings after I install my computer case fan array in the rear. I'm taking the same approach as you mounting-wise (at the top of the evaporator fins), but I'll be using 4 case fans that are 80mm and move ~32 CFM each. They'll be hard-wired, though - they only draw less than .15 amps each at 12v.
I've also got flexable case fan chutes that will direct the exhaust air directly out of the vent. Hoping it helps allow my fridge to maintain safer temps when it's 92F out and it's facing the sun because of a crappy spot.
Anyway, I digress. I'll post some detailed pics when I take this project on - hopefully this weekend.