If your WFCO can and does put out 50ish amps into the bank when reasonably discharged, 2 hours/day should do you well. If it only puts out 13.6V and around 10a, another story. All you need to do is to get the batteries up near 80-85%. anything more takes a LONG time since current drops dramatically.
It's hit and miss, mostly miss with the WFCO. We dry camp a lot and use PD converters as do our camp mates. We've had campers near us needing to run the genny almost all day and still not have a charged battery with the WFCO. They come by, ask us how we do it, I go over, hook up my voltmeter and DC hall ammeter, show them how the WFCO isn't doing what it should and why they are taking all day to charge the battery.
So..... see if your WFCO is doing what it should and can. If it is doing what it should, home free. If not likely solution is a WFCO drop in replacement.
The WFCO will work as advertized IF you have two or more batteries, very short and large gauge wires to the battery for positive and negative. Like #2 wire and 3-5ft. smaller wire or longer distance quickly often gets you into bad territory for dry camping.