Forum Discussion

hbillsmith's avatar
Oct 20, 2017

Easy Mod to Make Your Trailer Glow

This is how you have your trailer's clearance lights turn on when you are parked and disconnected from the tow vehicle. I also posted this elsewhere.
  • DutchmenSport wrote:
    ...put an automotive "flasher" in those same two holes on the camper plug to make the running lights flash on and the event you are on the side of the road, and have to drop the trailer and leave it because of breakdown. The running lights on the camper will flash like 4-way flashers...

    Great idea!! I never even though of it. Can you give an example of the flasher you use (perhaps just an Amazon link).
  • gbopp wrote:
    Okay. Why?

    They often do this at RV shows to make the campers sparkle a bit more with razzle and dazzle. Manufacturers and dealers will also put an automotive "flasher" in those same two holes on the camper plug to make the running lights flash on and off.

    The flashing running lights when not hooked up to a tow vehicle has at least one good application - in the event you are on the side of the road, and have to drop the trailer and leave it because of breakdown. The running lights on the camper will flash like 4-way flashers.

    I learned this little trick many, many years go, and used the flasher on several occasions for 4th of July camping and a couple times to annoy neighbor campers when they insisted on leaving their flood lights on after dark. (and it worked too).

    Haven't used the "flasher" in several years now, but I still have it in my RV camping goodie repair stuff bag tucked under the bed in the event I get the "mood" again.

    I have seen on many occasions, RVers having their running lights on with this method while camping. I think folks do it when they first learn this can be done and it's kind of nostalgic for them. After it wears off, they quite doing it. I kind of enjoy seeing campers with their running lights agow, because I know these folks probably just discovered this little trick and are all excited about it. I simply enjoy their joy! It makes camping so much nicer.
  • Been posted here many times.
    Usually turns into a dsicussion about annoying your neighbors.
  • gbopp wrote:
    Okay. Why?

    No reason. Just for fun. Like when everyone around you strings LED rope lights and you didn't bring any. Also, by the way, this will confirm if your trailer is setup correct for the truck to recharge the battery while towing. Sometimes the converter blows a fuse or pops a breaker and you never know. If you insert the fuse and the clearance lights don't come on, then you may have a problem. I didn't dream this up, it was explained at a recent mfg. rally by a senior maintenance guy.
  • Thanks, now I know how to shut my neighbors lights off easily