Forum Discussion

Mickeyfan0805's avatar
Feb 28, 2018

Eternabond over sealant?

Our unit just turned 5 and is holding together beautifully. I want to keep it that way!

Over the past 5 years, I have done both spring and fall seal checks, placing self-leveling sealant over any locations where I found a crack. Now that the original sealant is 5 years old, I'm starting to consider moving to eternabond, but I'm not sure about putting it over the uneven sealant that is there.

For those of you who use Eternabond around your trailer, did you remove all of the sealant or simply place it over the existing and while making sure to get a clean seal on the edges?
  • clean with De-natured alcohol, or acetone

    not soap and water

    you can wash it first, to get the heavy stuff off

    but must clean again with a solvent, before applying the eternabond

    no soap or dirt residue on the surface
  • I bought Eternaprime in a spray can and a hard rubber roller. I applied it over 15 year's of Dicor on my old trailer, did just fine. My suggestion is to clean the roof well to ensure proper adhesion. Don't stretch the material (it loses its ability to adhere when stretched). Apply on a warmer day and use a hard rubber roller. Roll it thoroughly and with force to fully set the adhesive. It'll last longer than your trailer!

    If you want to be extra secure, pay to have a pressure test done AFTER you Eternabond it. That way you can be certain you have everything sealed correctly. Good luck!
  • Ed_Gee wrote:
    Eternabond must be applied to a completely clean surface. Results would likely be unreliable trying to do as you suggestm.

    Not if it is cleaned properly first as already mentioned I did that on my trailer about 12 years ago and it has held up fine.
  • SB fine unless you used self leveling silicone which Eternabond doesn't like.
  • Eternabond will stick just fine to Dicor. Clean the surface first, and use a roller to press it down.
  • I cleaned and inspected the Dicor sealant prior to applying the Eternabond. This stuff is very pliable and will completely seal over the uneven surfaces of the dicor.
  • When I did our front and rear caps I applied it over the existing Dicor. I did clean the area well before applying but did not see the need to remove what would be covered up.
  • Eternabond must be applied to a completely clean surface. Results would likely be unreliable trying to do as you suggest.