We have a "version" of the PVC flag holder that allows for a counter-weight to be added to the opposite side. There is an addition piece of smaller plastic between the PVC and the rebar to help the entire
contraption spin without hanging up on the rebar. The entire thing breaks down into 3 pieces (not counting flag/name plate). Very easy to store in our passthru compartment. Went under the table when we had our small pup.
Since they are designed to spin in the wind, placing it close to the trailer tongue may be a problem. Unless you intend to just let it drape. In that case, why not just bungee it to the tongue, forgoeing the heavy piece of rebar???
Yes...the counter weight on ours is a picture of our trailer transfered to a piece of wood. The other side has mine and DW names. The dog got mad because I did not include him, so I made his own name plague to look like a bone.