Goostoff wrote:
3M panel Bond is what I use when glueing body panels on cars. It is every bit as strong as welding when used correctly. Only downside is that it is expensive and requires a $75 gun to apply it. You can order it from O'reily auto parts or Advance auto Parts as well as Napa and stuff.
I found myself in need of some adhesive to stick painted fiberglass to painted steel. Looked around on the web and found another 3M product: Structural Adhesive. A two-part adhesive that comes in tubes about the size of a medium toothpaste tube. No special tools required, but don't waste any time between mixing and application. I found it at O'Reilys as well. About $35, and believe me, the stuff works. Just follow instructions and prep both surfaces well.
Update: I have used epoxy kits from Lowes, HD, etc as well. Please be aware that the structural adhesive I mentioned is NOT "same stuff, different packaging". The 3M Structural Adhesive is not something readily available to the general public. I have NEVER seen it sitting on a shelf, ready for sale, in any store visited by regular folks needing an adhesive. I've only seen it on 3M website, and only found it available to order at OReilys because one of their parts runners visited my business & mentioned he'd delivered it to another customer.