Chris Bryant wrote:
It depends on the tank material, most waste holding tanks are abs, and fittings are solvent welded. Polyethylene tank fittings are spin welded or use grommets. Wanting it to be leak free, I would be tempted to use metal.
Thank you. My tanks are ikon and alpha, ready made, and are, I believe, abs. There are no holes for drain fittings, and I will have to drill. My concern was that if I solvent weld, and things wiggle even slightly (pot holes anyone?) that there might be lateral/twisting forces on the joints and the weld would break. I've never worked with abs before (total amateur, but with no money hire pros, and no pros within 50 miles or more) and don't know how strong welded abs joins are.
I intend to waterproof (red guard) the compartment containing the tanks, but still don't want things to leak!