Today I installed the Cozy III heat exchanger right under the pantry door. This Cozy I plumbed into the Motor Aide connection before it goes to the water heater's "heat exchanger". This works great and will certainly take care of any heating situation that we will need. In the short testing that I did running the Espar, the Cozy goes to about 160 degrees and holds that temperature with the Cozy fans both on.
I also completed the wiring to control each of the Cozy III's high/low fans, both circulating pumps, and control of the dash heater fans. All the switches are controlled by the thermostat. So, now I'll be able to test each function as the weather gets colder. Plus depending on the temperature I can conserve battery usage by turning stuff low/off/etc.
The last piece of my project that I need to install is the Temperature Controller that will run the circulating pump if it detects that the pipe temperature in the rear of the coach is too low. This circulation happens automatically when the "water heater" hydronic heat is going but if I just run the Espar - then I need this as a backup.
I need to have some colder weather to test - once I feel confident that I'm done, I'll post some pictures and info on what I added. Don't want to mis-lead until I know it works as designed.