You should always use a device on the 12v system if possible. You lose power converting to 110, then back to 12v or 15v whatever the item is wanting.
Inverters. I have yet to see an inverter at Walmart type stores that I consider 'safe' to use. They are almost always modified sine, or worse yet modified square inverters.
The reason given before was kinda incorrect as to why they are bad. A Sine wave has a limited fixed time at the 0 state. Most expensive electronics are counting on this fixed time 0 state. Its how some clocks keep time, thats how fixed it is.
What happens with a modified sine wave is that 0 state is a variable length and longer than it should be. This makes them inefficient and provides voltages other than what the device is expecting. Mac's (if they turn on) will fry their power packs very rapidly on a modified sine.
Its worth the added cost for a TruSine Inverter! The CPAP is loud enough, why make it louder!