Forum Discussion

trailernovice's avatar
Jul 06, 2021

is replacing hub seals a big job?

Trailer has Dexter EX-Lube axles....the center of the rubber seal protecting the hub has big of a job is it to replace just that rubber outer seal? Does it require specialized tools? More efficient to have a shop do it?
  • phillyg wrote:
    Easy but messy.

    At first I thought the OP was talking about the hub seals (hub to spindle). Also easy by messy.
    In the event that that IS what the OP is talking about.
    Remove wheel, remove bearing cap, remove castle nut, adjust brakes down if hanging up the drum, slide drum/hub assembly off, pry old seal out, clean out grease and re-pack bearings, tap new seal in, reverse order re-assemble, adjust brakes back up.

    If the OP is talking about the little rubber plug on the bearing cap, that is not a question. It took longer to post the question than it takes to pop it out and replace it. and I can't imagine it being messy unless you put the old one with grease on it in your pocket!
  • Super easy, Figure about 30 seconds total time per seal. Take a small screw driver and pop the old seal out. Push the new seal in with your thumb and it's done.
  • Jim-linda is correct, super easy. Any trailer place has replacements. I carry a couple spares. About a buck(or less) apiece.
  • You just need to take a small screwdriver, pry old seal out, replacing is just as simple. Looking at new seal will suggest how it is installed.