robatthelake wrote:
Three Years ago I made the mistake of using Red Max Pro on My Motorhome as well as My Vintage Competition Ski Boat!
Never again will I try to take the easy route to restore that Shine!
The Red Max appeared to work miracles and still looked reasonably good on the Vertical surfaces of Both Vehicles after two Years.
However It looks like******and has peeled off All the Horizontal "Decks" and of course the edges that transition to vertical!
The stuff peeled and flaked ,basically to the point that it was necessary to strip off Everything that remained! Applying is way easier than Stripping.
A Warning that this stuff may seem like a miracle ,but isn't intended for Exterior Use and will fail to solve the underlying problem of fading gel coat!
I basically stated the same thing in a thread not too long ago. I worked for a chemical manufacturer and zep was one of our competitors. Everything you say is correct and just as I predicted. It simply isn't made for outdoor exposure, nor is it made to be maintenance free. Burnishing, buffing, recoating - all part of the normal maintenance for these types of products.