houstonstroker - We camp alot in the natl forest and off the grid places and run into what you are saying about when you can run your generator. Most of the times the generatopr is only allowed from 8AM-10AM in the morning and then again from 4:30PM to 7:30PM in the early evening. ALot of Natl parks are now allowing 8AM to 8PM but not at all places yet we usually go to...
Out game plan is to run all the things we want to run off the battery bank capacity and then only run the generator for the shortest time possible to re-charge the battery bank when allowed to run the generator...
This is where the larger battery bank comes in to play for you.. I have 255AH capacity on my battery bank and it will definitely run my blower motor of the furnace for a couple of nites. However with all of my other things we want to run including both 120VAC and 12VDC items we usually are down to 12.0VDC on the battery bank the next morning. Our trailer is equipped with the smart mode charger technology so what we do is connect the trailer shore power cable directly to the generator using a RV30A-15A long adapter and run the generator for the three hours required to charge up the battery bank. Most places we go to allows this much time to run our generator.
We don't use the generator to operate things in the trailer only to just re-charge our batteries once a day in as short of time as battery science will allow.
Looks like you are pretty well equipped to do do this method of camping off the power grid. Maybe a smart mode converter/charger and more trailer battery capacity is all you need. Having the 2KW Honda generator already is big plus...
Been camping this way off the power grids for the past few years and are pretty successful about it now... We run just about everything we run at a regular electric site except the Air Conditioner and the high wattage microwave unit.
just my thoughts
Roy Ken