Forum Discussion

hedgehog48's avatar
Jun 27, 2017

Ladder mounted clothes rack advice

My wife would like to get a drying rack to mount on the rear ladder of our fifthwheel to dry towels. So, I went to camping world today and looked but can't decide between two. One is called the smart dryer which mounts with the hanging rods parallel to the rear of the camper. The other is the Stromberg Carlson extend a line which has 6, 42" hanging rods that pivot around making a semi circle off the rear ladder. They are both within $10 of each other so money isn't a concern, I just wanted input from people that have used them and which one they recommend.
Thank you
  • Or, get some 1/2 inch PVC pipe, some elbows and Ts and some lightweight rope and make one yourself.

    Do a Google Search for RV cloths rack and you'll see all kinds of home made versions.
  • Whens I sees a clothes rack dryin' clothes an towels outside at the highclass places I stay I ams quick complain to the higher ups.
  • We have the extend-a-line and are very happy with it. If you're handy, I do like Dutchman's rig, probably lots less expensive, but not sure about storing it.
  • Lwiddis wrote:
    Whens I sees a clothes rack dryin' clothes an towels outside at the highclass places I stay I ams quick complain to the higher ups.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder... I hope/trust you're just kidding.
  • I made ours from PVC pipe. I left the support leg loose so that it folds easily. I sized it so that it stands up in the basement storage. It takes about 3 inches of space to store.