Kenpilot wrote:
I'm wanting to start upgrading my TT with LED lights to conserve precious battery power when dry camping.
I replaced all my interior bulbs with a high output led model from Amazon. I believe there were about 22 bulbs I had to replace. The problem with LED's (and I've been a pioneer in buying them) is that many have heat related issues and the longer than life bulb capacity is moot for many because they overheat and dim so low many are useless. Well this brand I bought has been going strong since November of 2012 and this includes one used in the porch light fixture which I have intentionally left ON 24/7 and for every hot hot day as well. The bulbs are well protected from heat/light loss and I paid around $4.00 each for them off Amazon.
I can run these dry camping all day long for many many days and not notice hardly any battery usage. I did update my batteries with two of Walmart's best of the larger deep cycle cells. I recall reading these batteries were made by one of the big cell companies (the name escapes me at the moment) and they happen to be, according to the tech at the manufacturing plant, that companies best and most duty driven model. I've been 1000% pleased with both the bulbs and the Walmart batteries. (no anti-walmart comments please, I don't believe any of them)