I have installed thousands of feet of the lvp.And yes there are several types
As mentioned glue direct and floating.
95 % of Glue direct has no lip to interlock.
And I have put a lot in rvs.You would want to skim coat the floor with a leverler.If floors are bad you can install a cheap 1/8 or 1/4 inch subfloor.
Vinyl plank's will scratch don't let anyoNE tell you otherwise.But can be replaced fairly easily.
I have had better luck with vinyl tiles
(Not those self stick junk or vct tiles)
Goes down with the same method as LVP
But more durable.Various sizes too.
Can be grouted with epoxy grout or but them together and seal it.Looks real good and some have nice pattern to them and textures .Look at them at the floor store
What ever you choose make sure you DON'T
PUT the tiles or lvp down until the glue is almost clear or tacky .
Other wise glue will come up through the seams