pianotuna wrote:
Consider adding a fail over relay so if power is lost the furnace will default to propane.
Add a switch to go from the 50 amp 240 volt configuration to the 30 amp 120 volt wiring.
What was the time required to do the DIY?
May I ask what the total cost was?
I am engineering the fail over for the gas electric issue. Just trying to decide if I want to use line voltage relay or 12 volt relay powered by a transformer.
The 50 to 30 amp requires changing the input voltage to the control box AND changing the connection at the heating coil, for as often as I would do it just easier to move the wires.
Total cost with the kit and extras was just over $700, I love it as we have to very active beagles and the though of them knocking over a space heater, and the fact that this is controlled by the thermostat means nice even heat.