Bob Vaughn wrote:
How did you wire the light and switch ? All my 120 volt wires are located in the walls and then there would be a night mare getting a wire routed to the ceiling....
I ran these using a plastic wire cover. They only had to run a foot or so to a cabinet. Then to a 110 power source in the cabinet. I operate it with a wireless remote switch. I have ran wiring in the overhead duct-work before but this time I just ran it along the ceiling and covered it.
One trick I used in my bedroom was that I used a 1x4 that I routered a grove into along it's length. The wire hides in the groove between the ceiling and the wood. I stapled fabric to the 1x4 on the top of one side, glued 1/4" foam to the bottom (used pink sill sealer from home depot). Then I fastened the wood to the ceiling with screws. I pulled the fabric tight around it and stuffed the loose fabric end in the other side with a butter knife. Looks factory. Even decorated the RV up a little.