RideSlow, I sure like your crawler dolly with the flame decals. You know you might be a serious do it yourselfer when you start customizing your crawler dolly . . . . ;)
And you can chalk me up as another happy user of the GSR. (Full disclosure -- they sent me a free one as a demo a few years ago. Knowing what I now know, I would have happily paid full retail for the thing, which is not cheap.)
So here is the story -- last September, we were boondocking out in the Uinta Range of Utah, on the rockiest and most unlevel campsite we have ever occupied. Ordinarily, the GSR can adjust to almost any terrain -- it has "landing gear" legs that can extend or retract. (It is not real easy to move them up and down, but they are easy enough when you really need them.)
But this site was so rough that we needed to find big flat rocks to serve as "boosters" for the landing gear legs. You can see the booster rocks in this picture, and you can see the orange Lynx blocks piled high under the downhill tire. Although the trailer was perfectly level, we were on such a bad slope that the threshold of the door was more than four feet off the ground:

Click For Full-Size Image.
Without the GSR, we would have had to use a step-stool, maybe perched on some rocks, just to get to the bottom steps of the old original steel steps. It would have been tough on our knees, especially when carrying heavy loads in and out of the trailer.