lawrosa wrote:
I can get buy using none of the stuff like micro, coffee maker, etc.
Ive boondocked like this many times in the old camper using 120 watt invertors at 3 locations..
But since i am going to do the plug in rv methohod I assumed just go bigger so I may be able to run things I couldnt in the past..
I was thinking outloud that I could run say the micowave if I needed to with the invertor. And wondering if this scenerio would help..
Batts somewhat charged
Solar putting say 15 amps into batts
Truck plugged into camper with enging running.
Would the above help?
Or should I say forget it and not think about running hi draw stuff and just save money and go with the 1100 watt model..
Too many variables. With microwave/coffemaker/toaster or without - makes a world of difference. Also, duration of trips.
Microwave alone might need 1500W inverter, preferably PSW. Without any of those high-current items all you need is 200-300W inverter. At that small size might as well get PSW. TV and other electronics will be happier.
Truck with engine running?
In a really critical situation (read - running a furnace when it's below 30F day and night, or trying to put some charge into batteries after a week of non-stop rain) - perhaps. Otherwise - doesn't sound like a good idea.
Solar putting "15A into batts" doesn't tell much either. If this is theoretical max output, then big question is - location and season. Solar putting out 15A * 4 hours a day will provide more than enough energy for all your needs other than MW and other high-current items.
"Batteries somewhat charged"? If this is 30% charged and solar doesn't work, then you need to start the engine and go home (or both). If this is 70% charged, then either run the engine for half an hour or do nothing, let the solar do the job for a day or two.
Edit-PS: 92Green has done a lot to squeeze every amp-hour of what he has. I can tell by that heater grill next to 12V USB receptacles.