WARNING the descriptions used are very basic and are extremely simplified. In a air conditioner with a compressor you have two coils the coil on the inside of the house absorbs the heat of the air passing though it and the coil outside releases that heat to the air passing through it. If a a air conditioner is doing a good job there will be a 10 degree difference in that temperature in the air in the inside and what is coming out of the air conditioner In a portable air conditioner you have both coils in the house you duct the air that has passed over the coil that would normally be outside. Now if you start bringing in outside air to cool and put in the inside and it is 110 outside you will be dumping 100 degree air on the inside and it will not get any cooler than 100 until the outside temperature goes down, I have a portable air conditioner with a compressor for use in a home in Colorado and it only has one hose to exhaust the hot air outside and it works fine no problems with pressure. Now I have seen evaporative coolers that draw in outside air and then pumps that air in the house and that air does need to be vented outside for proper cooling, You should never mix the two.