BurbMan wrote:
Yeah, except he had to get back to ABS again anyway when he connected to the front tank, and a Fernco wye is $$$. He should be OK with the transition cement.
I agree with you about the 45, except in this application it should be fine. This isn't a sink that drains with use, it's a holding tank. When he pulls the handle it fills the pipe and should't be an issue with clogging.
He doesn't need Fernco wyes. It's just a matter of using Fernco couplings (no hub) and a short piece of pipe. Yes he needs 2 couplings,one at each PVC/ABS transition joint.
I hope it's not a money issue we are talking $10-$15 more to assemble in a foolproof manner vs. using transition glue and crossing your fingers.
As far as the holding tank vs. a sink drain. The thing to keep in mind is bad things happen when drain lines hold water vs. draining 100%.
The way it is piped leaves more potential for water to freeze at the rolled 45º joint and clog the entire line.
I do agree there is not a lot to worry about however deliberately creating a trapped pipe is never a good idea as it ALWAYS creates the potential for more problems. Venting maybe eliminated by the trapped water. The water will never flow as designed through the trapped area.
Just remember $tuff flows downhill. Forcing it uphill without a pump is step in the wrong direction!