Lantley wrote:
I'm not trying to be critical of what you did. What you did will work for the most part.
I am trying to show you ways to improve upon what you did. I consider direct ABS/PVC joint a no no. I have seen to many fail to have faith in the various all purpose transition glues. Use of a no hub coupling is a simple way to never need/use transition glues.
Rolling a pipe up is also a no no. It creates a trap in the pipe that will always hold water. The fact that it is in a rolling bouncing RV is in your favor, nevertheless we never deliberately trap pipes by installing them without the proper fall.
I'm not trying to convince you of anything. My comments are worth exactly what you paid for them. You can consider them useful or you can dismiss them as hogwash.
I am hopeful the world will keep spinning either way.
Appreciate what your saying. It obvious you have knowledge on the subject, I learned by trail & error with too many trips to get another part. Even had I gone ABS I might have missed a fitting and had to go back, another 160 miles to the box store. I had planned ABS to ABS until I found ABS not available locally. I had no idea they made "transition" glue until the shop told me. The 1.5" running to the front does run down hill or fall a couple inches with the largest ridge that may trap water at a fittings thickness. (1/8"?)
I have almost always done my own fixing on whatever and lived in the middle of now where. Living like that I learned to make do with what's at hand, joys of rural living. What I was trying to fix is apparently a problem on a small number of units. I lived with it on my first 5W and decided not to on this one.
Finally, I am relatively confident the world will continue spinning, and with a little luck so will my gray water - right down the drain.;)