westend wrote:
About the SIP composite panels: Yours look to be well built but there have been some unhappy owners of RV's with those panels, mostly from delamination or failure of the foam in high traffic areas. Most of the failures I've seen use a smaller foam component and have inadequate bracing.
Westend, can you point me towards any good discussions of SIP delamination in RVs? When you say "smaller foam component" do you mean thinner panels? I would think SIP technology is changing and improving a lot, but I know no way to evaluate this 2003 product, other than the fact that the floors appear sound right now. I could replace it with more conventional construction, but I'm leaning towards going with the lightweight design. I agree the joists should be beefed up.
By the way, I called Thor to ask about schematics or other information for this model, and they say they've got nothing. Although this model is branded "Thor," I think its by a business line of theirs that is out of business.