pianotuna wrote:
It depends on the Fridge design. When the gas valve is being held open, my fridge draws 1.5 amps. When it is closed, 0.5 amps. Duty cycle is 2:3 so use is approximately 28 amp-hours per day.
If the anti condensation switch is on demand becomes higher.
Ill have to check my new one out, the old one (2007) was DIS ignition and using the heater in a "non polar package" 30 foot trailer at 0 degrees out we would only use 45 to 55 AH/day for lights, hot water, heat fridge and a couple hours of tv a night for the kids. the new unit 330RBK, I had 320 watts of solar and in September in Alberta it kept everything charged right up including the bar fridge in the outdoor kitchen. ill have to check out the fridge and see how much it actually draws, thanks for the heads up.