We had a cookout last night and had the battery switched on in the camper. There was at least one LED light burning from about 4:30 until about 11:00 and I left the battery connected overnight. Was drawing 0.08 amps just running the various detectors when I checked it this morning. I left it connected and monitored the charger to see when it switched over to float. It just so happened that I was checking the charge current when it suddenly went from about 2.3 amps to 0; it was fully charged at 10:10 this morning with full sun. That means I should be able to keep the battery switched on so that there is always DC inside for lights while it's parked in the driveway, and the charger can keep up even on cloudy days. I'm going to try it for a while and keep an eye on it.
If it's keeping up and staying fully charged every day, would I still have to bring the batteries inside for an East Tennessee winter?