Searching_Ut wrote:
I'm just a couple miles down the road from you, out in Syracuse.
My initial panels were impulse buy and I only ordered 2 100 watt as battery maintainers, went to 400 watts right at initial install, brought it up to 500 watts after trip to Estes park and other Colorado areas, then 600 watts after couple trips each to Flaming Gorge and Island Park prior to heading out to Washington coast for a couple weeks. 1000 watts should be my final upgrade to get the rig ready for longer term use as we retire in May. I found 400 watts to be more than enough when we were in Lake Havasu Area, and 600 Watts lacking in Seattle and when camping in this area October and November.
I grew up in Syracuse, out by the causeway. Parents still live there.
I'm hoping to have 3 panels up by the end of the year.