I carry all my cords in one duffle-bag / gym bag style, including extra household extension cords. As our cords are always with our devices, it's not too much of a problem keeping them separate and identified. But we keep separate cords in the camper for our cell phones, and they are plugged in beside the bed and never move.
My bag has about everything else, including coax cable for our Dish Tailgater, and shorter coax cable lengths also. It's a mess. Fortunately, it's not an overwhelming mess, as we can still identify all the power cords and what they go to.
However, it does make me think about leaving all that stuff at home from time to time. But ... if I couldn't access RV.net a zillion times a day, I'd probably have massive withdraw symptons and melt to a puddle of goo! So, I guess I need all this electronic mumble-jumble after all.